Data: 07/12/2017
Hora: 12:00
Local: Sala C116
Palestrante: Fernando Pereira Duda(COPPE-UFRJ)
Título: Continuum mechanics of polymer gels
Resumo: A polymer gel is a two-component material composed of an elastic cross-linked polymer network and a fluid that permeates the interstices of the network. Such materials exhibit unusual and complex phenomena as a result of the coupling between large deformation and fluid permeation.
In this talk, we apply the methods of continuum mechanics to describe the mutual interaction between large deformation and fluid permeation in polymer gels. The basic tenet here is the conceptual view of this body as a platform for two interdependent phenomena: a macroscopic (mechanical) phenomenon due to the deformation of the network and a microscopic (chemical) phenomenon due to the permeation of the fluid through the network. Applications of the theory are provided within the context of volumetric phase transition, cavitation, and pressure-driven fluid flow through a gel-filled channel.