Data: 30/03/2017 (quinta-feira)
Hora: 13:30h
Local: C116

Palestrante: David Martínez Torres (IMPA)

Título: Weakly Hamiltonian actions

Resumo: In this talk we will discuss weakly Hamiltonian actions. Our aim is to introduce elementary tools on real analytic function theory to recover classical results for splitting weakly Hamiltonian actions on symplectic manifolds, and discuss an extension of these results to the Poisson setting.

Hora: 10:00h

Local: C100b

Segunda 27 de Março:
Título: Calibrated Geometries and Moment Maps I
Palestrante: Ana Maria Chaparro

Quarta 29 de Março:
Título: Calibrated Geometries and Moment Maps II
Palestrante: Ana Maria Chaparro

Data: 23/03/2017 (quinta-feira)
Hora: 12:00-13:00
Local: C116

Palestrante: Juliana Pimentel (UFABC)

Título: Longtime behavior of reaction-diffusion equations with infinite-time blow-up

Resumo: We account for the longtime behavior of solutions for a class of reaction-diffusion equations. In particular, we address those with global well-posedness but exhibiting blow-up in infinite time. The existence of unbounded trajectories requires the introduction of some objects interpreted as equilibria at infinity, yielding a more complex orbit structure than that appearing on dissipative systems. Under this setting, we still manage to extend known results and obtain a complete decomposition for the related unbounded global attractor. This is based on joint works with C. Rocha and A. N. Carvalho.
