Convidamos a todos para a proxima palestra do Seminário de Geometria & Topologia, quarta-feira, dia 15/06:

Palestrante: Detang Zhou (UFF)

Resumo: The drifted Laplacian are very important in studying the singularity model for Ricci flow and mean curvature flows. In this talk, I will discuss some recent results on the spectrum of the Laplacian and drifted Laplacian on complete Riemannian manifolds. In particular, I present a generalization of Lichnerowicz-Obata theorem to the case when $(M^n,g, e^{-f}dv)$ is a complete smooth metric measure space with the Bakry-\'Emery Ricci curvature tensor $\ric_f\ge ag$, constant $a>0$, $M$ may be non-compact. The spectrum results can be naturally applied to study self-shrinkers for MCF and gradient shrinking soliton for Ricci flow. 

Data: 15/06/2016

Hora: 15:30h
Local: C119
