Convidamos a todos para a proxima palestra do Seminário de Geometria & Topologia.

Só nessa semana, temos um horário e sala diferente: O seminário será na TERÇA-feira as 13:30h, depois a reunião do DM, na sala C116.

Esperando vê-los lá!


Palestrante: Vinicius Gripp B. Ramos (IMPA)

Título: Symplectic embeddings and contact homology.

Resumo: Symplectic geometry is the study of manifolds endowed with a particular kind of 2-form which allow us to study Hamiltonian dynamics on it. Understanding how rigid or flexible this structure is lies at the core of the study of symplectic geometry. One of the instances of symplectic rigidity or flexibility is seen in symplectic embeddings. In this talk I will recall some classical results and explain some new results involving the lagrangian bidisk.

Data: 26/04/2016
Hora: 13:30h
Local: C116
