The Institute of Mathematics, IM-UFRJ, was founded in 1964 as part of the University of Brazil. It had its origins in the former National Faculty of Philosophy. During its 45 years of existence, the IM-UFRJ has been restructured several times and continues (tirar even) today in constant evolution in order to meet the growing needs and challenges of science and technology in Brazil. At present, IM-UFRJ holds 6 undergraduate courses (Mathematical Teaching, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Computing Science and Applied Mathematics) and 4 graduate programs with special emphasis on mathematical research and in training of Masters and Ph.D. researchers, many of which are active in several higher education institutions in Brazil. Up to now, our graduating students have produced more than 530 theses and dissertations in our masters and doctoral programs. The faculty of the graduate programs includes professionals who are actively involved in their research areas, receiving financial support from CNPq, Capes, Faperj and other funding agencies, due to their extensive and systematic scientific production.
The Graduate Program in the Mathematics Institute was established in 1968. It is now the oldest of our four current courses : Mathematics (Masters and PhDs degrees), Mathematics Education (Master's degree), Statistics (Masters and PhDs degrees) and Computer Science (Masters and PhDs degrees). The Institute's programs have a good reputation within the scientific community and are recognized nationally, as well as internationally, for their excellence in human resource training. This recognition was reflected, for instance, during the recent evaluation performed by Capes - the Postgraduate Program in Mathematics was assigned a grade of 7, on a scale from 1 to 7.
The program has (tirar already) a long tradition in organizing summer programs. The summer programs are intended to serve as a basic training (in the case of undergraduate students), to facilitate the selection of our postgraduate students, and, finally, to make a good use of the school holidays offering refresher courses to teachers of our state. Also, the summer program (tirar attempts to) complements the training of our research students by presenting special topics that are not usually included in the curriculum. Furthermore, it also represents an opportunity to bring to our Institute researchers of international prestige with whom the faculty of the Institute maintain scientific collaborations. Historically, this program has been offered by the institution since 1972 and includes research, postgraduate teaching, dissemination of information concerning the activities of IM and "Extension Courses". Leveling courses, as well as postgraduate ones, are offered to, approximately, 150 students.