Data: 23/03/2017 (quinta-feira)
Hora: 12:00-13:00
Local: C116

Palestrante: Juliana Pimentel (UFABC)

Título: Longtime behavior of reaction-diffusion equations with infinite-time blow-up

Resumo: We account for the longtime behavior of solutions for a class of reaction-diffusion equations. In particular, we address those with global well-posedness but exhibiting blow-up in infinite time. The existence of unbounded trajectories requires the introduction of some objects interpreted as equilibria at infinity, yielding a more complex orbit structure than that appearing on dissipative systems. Under this setting, we still manage to extend known results and obtain a complete decomposition for the related unbounded global attractor. This is based on joint works with C. Rocha and A. N. Carvalho.
