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Data: Quarta-feira, dia 20/04
Palestrante: Gabriel Calsamiglia (UFF)
Título: The Riemann Hilbert mapping for $sl_2$ systems over genus 2 curves.
Hora: 15:30h
Local: Sala C119 

Resumo: The Riemann-Hilbert mapping on $sl_2$-systems associates, to any $sl_2$-connection on a trivial bundle $X\timesC^2$ over a genus g≥2 Riemann surface X the conjugacy class of its monodromy representation in $\text{Hom}(\pi_1(X),\text{SL}_2(\mathbb{C}))$. We prove that the Riemann-Hilbert mapping is a local diffeomorphism around any point of genus g=2 with irreducible monodromy in two different ways. This is a joint work with B. Deroin, V. Heu and F. Loray (
